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tasmanian fungi

Red Hygrocybe mushroom Tasmania

Today’s post is about this nice red fungi. I dont know much about it other than that it is reasonably common in the Tasmanian rainforest.  I am quite sure it is a Hygrocybe. I have a sneaking suspicion it might perhaps be a Hygrocybe firma, but for the time being here are the pics 🙂...Read More

More fungi photos – Timbs Track

Timbs Track is a great place to park the car and go on a fungi forage. The track itself is the starting point for the multi day hike out to Lake Rhona but there are a few side tracks that were tagged during the anti-forestry protests a few years ago. As a side note, it...Read More

Fungi Season! Tahune Airwalk

Fungi season is well and truly here, so expect plenty of mushroom pics for the next couple of months 🙂 The first batch is from down at the Tahune Airwalk. Near the airwalk and along the banks of the Huon River is a very nice short walk known as the Huon Pine walk. It is...Read More

Fungi Season!

Autumn means fungi season! It looks like the hot dry summer might be slowly releasing its grip, and the forest can breathe a sigh of relief as the cooler weather kicks in. Autumn really is my favourite time of year to get out and explore (and photograph!) Tasmania. The fungi is a huge highlight as...Read More

Tarkine Tasmania: Autumn Fungi

Autumn is the season where the rainforest floor comes alive in brightly coloured and fantastically shaped fungi. The shots below are all from the Tarkine rainforest in north west Tasmania. All images are macro and the vast majority were shot with a very shallow depth of field (ie f2.8~f4) to allow for nicely blurred out...Read More

Blue Tier Giant

The Blue Tier Giant is a 70 metre high Eucalyptus regnans, found in north east Tasmania. The Blue Tier area is known for beautiful tall trees, rainforest and lovely creeks, and this short walks has all of these in an easy hour or so circuit. The walk starts on Lehners Ridge Rd (which is not...Read More

Tarkine Fungi: Corinna and surrounds

Of the many reasons to visit and photograph the Tarkine fungi is one of the more compelling and interesting at this time of year. The rainforest in autumn is damp and cool and a myriad of colourful forms appear on the soaking wet logs, mossy tree trunks and sponge-like forest floor. On a recent visit...Read More

Fungi – North East Tasmania

In the first of what will no doubt be many posts of Tasmanian fungi this autumn, here are a few shots taken in the forests of north east Tasmania last week. Needless to say, the macro lens is the way to go as is getting right down on your hands and knees… I cannot lay...Read More