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Frosty Ross

This incredible winter wonderland greeted us at Ross on a drive through Tasmania’s Midlands last month.

The Macquarie River was completely frozen over, as was all the vegetation including the lovely Elm trees that line the main streets. The early morning light was really wonderful too, as a light mist hung over the town.

Early July 2024 brought some major frosts across Tasmania and caused havoc in the west including Cradle Mountain where roads were closed and water pipes burst. Temperatures dropped lower than -10 in places like Liaweenee and Cradle Mountain, and while it wasn’t that cold on the Midlands Highway this morning, it still hit -1 and -2, and the totally still conditions resulted in these beautiful scenes.

And if you’ve never been to Ross before you probably don’t know that the small town is home to not one but two nice old bakeries, one claims to be home to Tassie’s best Scallop Pies and the other takes the crown for Vanilla Slices! So after shooting these scenes we went to confirm those facts before continuing on our way 🙂

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Timeless Tasmania hardcover book by Luke O'Brien Photography
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About Luke

Luke O'Brien runs a stall at Hobart's popular Salamanca Market every Saturday where his prints and cards are available for purchase. Follow Luke's photographic adventures on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.